Get a Quote

If you do not wish to send your item through the mail I will gladly look your item over and give you a quote in person. My office is located at 5348½ Ballard Ave NW, Seattle, Wa 98107

Please do not send items to this address!

Go to the “send my item” page to get instructions for mailings

If you need to have a repair done you have two options. You can send the item in without getting a quote and I will look it over myself and give you a quote either over the phone or by email. If this is your preferred option please go to this page Send An Item for instructions on sending your item.

If you don’t want to send it in before you get a quote I can give you a rough estimate so you know if you want to bother having the piece repaired. Please follow the instructions below to  request an estimate:

1. First mark the damage out with either pins or blue painter’s tape in a square with the edges of the square being 1/4′ away from the damage at all sides.

Make sure you hold the damage up to the light to see if it goes out farther than it looks. Sometimes rips can cause stress and the weave has to be a bit larger to compensate for that. If it is moth damage this is doubly important as moths will often graze on the top of the wool and only remove part of it. If you hold the piece up to the light you will be able to see those weak areas.

2. Once you have it marked, measure the width and height and write these down.

3. Next, take a photo of the damage. 

4. Send the measurements and photos by email to me at

I will send you an estimate after I receive your request and we can go from there. If you wish to discuss your repair feel free to contact me at Diane@